A guide to buying your first wig: What to consider?

by Chester C.

Wigs have come a long way over the years. Although they are a centuries-old invention, they are getting more and more natural now. You can make them blend with facial characteristics.

Wearing a wig that closely resembles your current or past hairdo is a good idea for your first wig. However, maintaining and styling your hair will be easier if you stick to what you’re comfortable with.

Most wigs can be fashioned to appear different, so you may either take it to a salon specialized in their maintenance or do it yourself. You can find different types of wigs by going through wholesale hair vendors catalogs. However, if you don’t know how to pick your first wig, here are a few factors to consider:


Short, Medium and Long are the three major lengths to pick from. Short wigs are ideal for hotter climates or if you feel your body is constantly overheated. The lengthier the wig (like your hair) is, the more heat is retained, and you may feel warmer throughout the day. Short wigs are also easier to manage, dry quicker, and style, as well as being less expensive.


Once you’ve determined your ideal length, you may choose from a variety of textures:

  • Straight: This line is very straight and flat, with little volume.
  • Wavy: Hair which is not curled and flows freely.
  • Curly: It’s high – temperature resistant and swings back like a ribbon when you pull it.

What Face Shape Do You Have?

The major factor when choosing a wig style should not be your own desire. Instead, think about what kind of wig style complements your face shape the most.

Even if you have a favorite wig design, the most crucial consideration is which wig would best complement the form of your face and head. This will assist you in deciding on wig length, style, and overall design.

How Your Daily Routine Affects Your Wig Selection

Are you usually seated at a desk for the majority of the day? Do you engage in a lot of physical activity, such as sports?

If you spend most of your day at a desk, artificial wigs or heat-friendly synthetic wigs are a good choice. These are far less sturdy than natural fiber wigs, but you can save money because you won’t be putting as much pressure on them.

What kind of look do you want to achieve?

Aside from durability, you’ll want to consider the sort of appearance you’ll be wearing the most.

If you work in an office full time every day, you’ll want to think about investing in wigs that will help you maintain a professional appearance. As a result, choose wigs with a shorter length.

Consider obtaining a pre-styled wig with curls if you want to go for a more charming look.

This brings up an essential point to consider. You need to take extra care while curling your own wig. Although many synthetic wigs can handle the heat, natural ones can’t. That means wigs shouldn’t be exposed to high-temperature heat to avoid melting the hairs.

Heat-friendly synthetic wigs are available, allowing you to style them with up to 350 degrees of heat.

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